abortion uae

8 shocking facts about: abortion UAE

Learn about the legal developments surrounding abortion UAE, including jail terms and penalties for offenders. Understand the laws regulating abortion procedures and their conditions under the UAE Penal Code and Medical Liability Law.

Abortion is a controversial topic that has been debated for years. In some countries, it is entirely legal, while in others, it’s prohibited, with severe penalties for those who take part in it. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country where abortion is illegal, except under certain circumstances. With this in mind, it’s essential to understand the laws and penalties surrounding abortion in the UAE

. This overview article aims to shed some light on this sensitive topic, providing insight into what one can expect if found guilty of having an abortion in the UAE. So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at the laws and penalties surrounding abortion in the UAE.

How to abortion uae?

How to abortion uae? : A Comprehensive Guide Based on Factual Data

Abortion is a controversial topic in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where it is only allowed in limited circumstances. If you are considering or need to have an abortion in the UAE, it is important to be aware of the laws and regulations surrounding the procedure, as well as the available options for seeking medical care and support. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to abort in UAE based on factual data.

1. Know the Law

Abortion is only legal in the UAE if it is necessary to save the life of the woman or if continuing the pregnancy would pose a risk to her physical or mental health. Abortion for any other reason is considered a criminal offense, punishable by imprisonment and fines. Therefore, seeking an abortion outside of these circumstances can put you at risk of legal penalties.

2. Seek Medical Care

In the limited circumstances where abortion is legal in the UAE, it must be performed by a licensed medical professional in a registered medical facility. Only specialists in obstetrics and gynecology are authorized to perform abortions. It is important to seek medical care from a reputable and licensed clinic or hospital in the UAE.

3. Get a Medical Report

If you require an abortion for medical reasons, you will need to obtain a medical report from a licensed healthcare provider. This report will confirm the reason for the termination and the medical necessity of the procedure. The report should also indicate the gestational age of the fetus.

4. Obtain Approval

Before an abortion can be performed in the UAE, a panel of medical professionals must review the medical report and approve the procedure. This panel will determine whether the abortion is necessary and must be performed as soon as possible to preserve the life or health of the woman.

5. Prepare for the Procedure

If you receive approval for an abortion, you will need to prepare for the procedure. This may include fasting for a certain period of time, taking medications to soften the cervix, or other measures to help ensure a safe and successful procedure. It is important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions closely and to inform them of any medical conditions or medications you are taking.

6. Aftercare

After the procedure, you will need to rest and recover. Your healthcare provider will instruct you on how to care for yourself, including any post-operative instructions and any medications you may need to take. Follow-up appointments may also be necessary to ensure your continued well-being.

In conclusion, seeking an abortion in the UAE is a complex and regulated process, and should only be done in cases where it is legal and medically necessary. It is important to seek medical care from a licensed facility and to follow medical instructions closely, both before and after the procedure. As with any medical decision, it is advised to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decision.

Read more: Cytotec for sale in UAE.

What are the abortion uae methods ?

It should be noted that abortion is only legal in certain circumstances in the UAE, including when the mother’s life is in danger or the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. Abortion for personal or economic reasons is generally not permitted in the UAE. It is essential to consult with medical professionals and relevant legal authorities before undergoing any form of abortion procedure in the UAE.

1. Medical Abortion: This method uses drugs to terminate pregnancy. The two medications used are Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, while Misoprostol contracts the uterus to cause termination. This process can be done up to 24 weeks after conception and can be done in a medical facility or at home.

2. Surgical Abortion: This method involves a surgical procedure to remove the fetus. It can be done up to 24 weeks after conception and should be done by a qualified medical practitioner.

3. Abortion Pills: These are medications used to induce an abortion. They are usually used in combination with other drugs and can be prescribed by a medical practitioner. Abortion pills are not legal in the UAE, although they can be obtained on the black market.

4. Herbal Abortifacients: These are natural herbs or plants that are believed to cause abortion. They are not recommended as they can be harmful and may not be effective. It is illegal to use these in the UAE.

5. Vacuum Aspiration: This is a surgical procedure where the contents of the uterus are removed using a vacuum aspiration device. This can be done up to 15 weeks after conception and should only be done by a qualified medical practitioner.

It is important to note that abortion is illegal in the UAE, except in cases where the mother’s life is in danger or in cases of fetal abnormalities. It is recommended to seek medical advice before making any decisions about abortion. 

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abortion pills available in abu dhabi
abortion pills available in abu dhabi

Abortion pills are not legally available in Abu Dhabi or any other part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The only instance where a pregnancy can be terminated legally in the UAE is if the pregnancy is a threat to the life of the mother or if the fetus has serious and incurable malformations that would cause harm to the baby if born alive.

These conditions are only met under strict circumstances that require the approval of specialized doctors and committees. Doctors found guilty of engaging in illegal abortions in Abu Dhabi can be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of four years under Article 33 of the Medical Liability Law. It is important for pregnant women to understand that there are significant legal consequences for attempting to obtain or use abortion pills in Abu Dhabi or any part of the UAE.

Patients must seek medical attention from licensed healthcare providers in the UAE for safe pregnancy termination and contraception counseling. 

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Abortion pills are strictly prohibited in the UAE. It is illegal for women to purchase or consume these pills for the purpose of terminating a pregnancy. Anyone caught selling or distributing these pills can be subject to harsh penalties, including imprisonment. Furthermore, women who are found to have consumed these pills will also face criminal charges.

The UAE has strict laws surrounding abortion, which are regulated under the Federal Decree Law 31 of 2021 On the Issuance of Crimes and Penalties Law (UAE Penal Code) and the Federal Decree Law No. 4 of 2016 On Medical Liability (Medical Liability Law).

In the UAE, abortion is allowed in limited circumstances, such as if the pregnancy could endanger the life of the woman or in cases of foetal malformation. In such instances, abortion can only be performed by a licensed physician, and all necessary regulations and conditions must be met. It is essential to understand and follow UAE laws and regulations regarding abortion to avoid facing severe legal consequences. 

Are abortion pills sold in the UAE?

Abortion is a sensitive topic that divides opinions and sparks debates all around the world. While many countries have legalized abortion, some still consider it a criminal offense. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country famous for its strict laws and regulations, still views abortion as illegal except in limited circumstances.

However, with the widespread availability of abortion pills through online platforms, many wonder if women can easily access them in the UAE. In this blog post, we will dive into the legality and availability of abortion pills in the UAE and how it impacts women’s reproductive rights. 

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abortion pills for sale in ajman
abortion pills for sale in ajman

Abortion pills are available for sale in Ajman, as they are in many other cities in the United Arab Emirates. However, it is important to note that abortion is illegal in most cases in the country, with only a few exceptions for cases where the mother’s life is in danger. The penalties for obtaining or performing an illegal abortion can be severe, including fines and imprisonment.

Despite the legal restrictions, there are still people who seek out abortion pills for various reasons, including unwanted pregnancies or to terminate a pregnancy due to health reasons. It is essential to seek out reputable and safe sources for abortion pills, such as licensed medical professionals or pharmacies.

It is also important to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with obtaining and using abortion pills, as well as the legal ramifications. Those seeking information or assistance with abortion in Ajman should consult a qualified healthcare provider or legal professional.

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Abortion pills are illegal in the UAE, and the possession or distribution of such pills can result in severe penalties. Under the UAE Penal Code, anyone who willfully causes a pregnant woman to abort without her consent could face a maximum of seven years in prison. Additionally, doctors who engage in abortion procedures in violation of the Medical Liability Law could face a maximum of four years in prison.

It is important to note that the limited exceptions to the prohibition on abortion under the Medical Liability Law do not include the use of abortion pills. Therefore, anyone considering abortion in the UAE should be aware that seeking an abortion through illegal means, such as using abortion pills, could result in serious consequences. It is important to seek proper medical advice and care from qualified professionals within the confines of the law. 

Abortion pills are not legally permitted in the UAE. The country follows strict laws on abortion, classified under the UAE Penal Code and the Medical Liability Law. The only way for doctors to conduct abortion is when the pregnancy could endanger the life of the pregnant woman or if the fetus has serious and incurable malformation.

Even then, certain conditions should be met, including a written request from the spouses and a report from the concerned medical committee. Any doctor who engages in an unlawful abortion will be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of 4 years, and if the abortion leads to the death of the victim, the doctor may face imprisonment for up to 10 years. Similarly, any person who causes the abortion of a pregnant woman without her consent, or with her consent, faces imprisonment ranging from 2 to 7 years. Therefore, it is important to seek legal and medical advice before resorting to any abortion-related acts. 

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abortion clinic dubai
abortion clinic dubai

Abortion is not legal in the UAE except under certain conditions, and there are strict legal penalties for those who violate these laws. In the UAE, the law on abortion is regulated under two laws: the UAE Penal Code and the Medical Liability Law. Under the Penal Code, a pregnant woman who willfully aborts by any means is liable to imprisonment and/or a fine.

If any other person causes a pregnant woman to abort with her consent, they will face imprisonment or a fine. The Medical Liability Law prohibits doctors from conducting abortions except in cases where the pregnancy endangers the life of the pregnant woman or where fetal malformation is proven.

Any doctor who engages in the abortion of a pregnant woman will face imprisonment for a maximum of four years. It is important to note that abortion clinic Dubai is not permitted under UAE law, and anyone seeking information or services related to abortion should seek guidance from a licensed medical practitioner. 

Abortion in UAE: Overview of Laws and Penalties

1. Introduction to Abortion Laws in UAE

Abortion is a heavily regulated topic in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), governed by both the UAE Penal Code and the Medical Liability Law. Under the UAE Penal Code, a pregnant woman who willfully aborts is liable to imprisonment for up to one year and/or a fine of not more than AED 10,000.

while any person who causes a pregnant woman to abort with consent is liable to imprisonment for a minimum of two years or a fine of at least AED 10,000. If the person causing the abortion is a medical professional, the penalty is temporary imprisonment for up to five years. If a person willfully causes a pregnant woman to abort without her consent, the maximum sentence is temporary imprisonment for seven years.

The Medical Liability Law only permits abortion in cases where the pregnancy endangers the life of the pregnant woman or where foetal malformation is present, subject to set criteria. Any doctor conducting an unlawful abortion faces the possibility of up to four years in prison or longer if the procedure leads to the death of the victim. 

2. Abortion under UAE Penal Code

Under the UAE Penal Code, abortion is strictly regulated and penalized. A pregnant woman who willfully aborts by any means may face imprisonment for a maximum of one year and/or a fine not exceeding AED 10,000.

If any other person causes a pregnant woman to abort with her consent, they may be liable to imprisonment for at least two years or a minimum fine of AED 10,000. However, if a physician, surgeon, pharmacist, midwife, or any other technician causes the abortion, the penalty may be temporary imprisonment for up to five years.

Moreover, if a person causes a pregnant woman to abort without her consent, then they may face temporary imprisonment for a maximum of seven years. These punishments are without prejudice to any more severe penalty provided for in any other law. It is thus advisable to thoroughly understand the laws and regulations surrounding abortion in the UAE to avoid facing severe penalties for any violations. 

3. Penalties for Willful Abortion by Pregnant Woman

Under the UAE Penal Code, a pregnant woman who willfully aborts by any means can face imprisonment for up to 1 year and/or a fine of AED 10,000. Any person who causes a pregnant woman to abort with her consent will be liable to imprisonment for at least 2 years or a fine of AED 10,000.

If a physician, surgeon, pharmacist, midwife, or any other technician causes the abortion, the penalty can be temporary imprisonment of up to 5 years. However, if a person willfully causes a pregnant woman to abort without her consent, such person will be sentenced to temporary imprisonment for a maximum of 7 years.

The Medical Liability Law also prohibits doctors from conducting abortion except in cases where the pregnancy could endanger the life of the pregnant woman or where foetal malformation is proven to have occurred.

A doctor who engages in the abortion of a pregnant woman may be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of 4 years under the Medical Liability Law. If the abortion leads to the death of the victim, the doctor may face harsher penalties, including imprisonment between 5 and 10 years. 

Under the UAE Penal Code, a person who causes a pregnant woman to abort with her consent will be liable to imprisonment for at least two years or a fine of minimum AED 10,000. If the person causing the abortion is a physician, surgeon, pharmacist, midwife, or any other technician, the penalty shall be temporary imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.

If a person willfully causes a pregnant woman to abort without her consent, such person will be sentenced to temporary imprisonment for a maximum of seven years. These penalties are without prejudice to any more severe penalty provided for in any other law.

Thus, any person who participates in an abortion, whether with or without the consent of the pregnant woman, shall be penalized under the UAE laws. It is important to note that medical practitioners are also subject to penalties if they conduct abortions outside the legally prescribed conditions. 

5. Penalties for Abortion by Medical Professionals

According to the UAE Penal Code and Medical Liability Law, medical professionals who conduct abortion without meeting certain conditions can face severe penalties. Any doctor who engages in abortion without a valid reason can be sentenced to imprisonment for up to four years. If the abortion leads to the patient’s death, the doctor may receive harsher penalties ranging from five to ten years of imprisonment.

Medical professionals are prohibited from conducting any abortion unless it is necessary to save the woman’s life or if the fetus has a severe incurable malformation. Doctors must also obtain the approval of a specialist in this field, the woman’s attending physician, and a report signed by the pregnant woman’s husband. The Medical Liability Law categorizes conditions under which a doctor can conduct an abortion, and any violations of these regulations can result in severe legal penalties. 

6. Abortion under Medical Liability Law

Under the UAE’s Medical Liability Law, doctors are prohibited from conducting abortions except in certain circumstances. Article 16 states that abortions can only be conducted if the pregnancy poses a danger to the life of the pregnant woman, subject to specified conditions.

These conditions include a written report signed by the pregnant woman’s husband confirming the impossibility of childbirth, the approval of the attending physician and a doctor specializing in this field, and the pregnancy being terminated within 120 days of conception.

Abortions can also be carried out if the foetus has serious and incurable malformations that will cause the baby harm if born alive. Both spouses must make a written request for an abortion, and the medical committee must report on foetal malformations based on medical tests. Any doctor who engages in abortions in violation of these restrictions may face imprisonment for up to four years, or if the abortion leads to the death of the victim, imprisonment between five and ten years. 

7. Conditions for Abortion in case of Endangerment of Pregnant Woman’s Life

How does the abortion pill work?

According to the World Abortion Laws Map by the Center for Reproductive Rights, there are countries that permit abortion to save the woman’s life.

These countries allow abortion only in cases where the woman’s life is at risk, distinguishing it from countries that allow the procedure based on health or therapeutic grounds. The infographic published by the Guttmacher Institute shows that 43 states in the United States prohibit abortions after a specified point in pregnancy, except when necessary to protect the patient’s life or health. Additionally, 12 states restrict coverage of abortion in private insurance plans, while 45 states allow individual healthcare providers to refuse to participate in an abortion.

Parental involvement is also required in 36 states for minors seeking an abortion, with varying degrees of consent and notification from one or both parents. These conditions for abortion show that despite some legal exceptions, accessing safe and legal abortion remains a challenge in many parts of the world. 

8. Conditions for Abortion in case of Foetal Malformation

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), abortion is illegal except in cases where the mother’s life is in danger. However, there are certain conditions where a woman can receive an abortion if the fetus is found to have malformations that are fatal or could cause serious harm to the fetus after birth. In such cases, the approval of a medical committee is required before an abortion can be performed.

It is important to note that UAE law does not allow for gender-selective abortions. Any doctor who performs an abortion without proper authorization may face severe penalties, including imprisonment and revocation of their medical license. It is also important to note that the UAE maintains strict laws regarding extramarital relationships, which can cause additional legal consequences for women seeking abortions. Safe and legal access to abortion services is essential for the health and well-being of women and should be provided as a basic human right. 


Thank you for reading this important article about abortion uae. We understand this is a sensitive topic and hope that we were able to provide informative and helpful insights to those who may be facing this difficult decision. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Abortion Pills in Dubai. Remember, you are not alone and there are options available to you.

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Sexual and reproductive health


Women’s reproductive and sexual healthcare

What are the jail terms and penalties for abortion cases in the UAE?

Abortion Law and Policy Around the World

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