abortion pills in uae

Buy Safe Abortion Pills in UAE: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah

Get 100% safe and effective abortion pills in UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, Ajman, RAK City, Fujairah) from Dr. Velma. Contact us at for Mifepristone and Misoprostol (Cytotec) tablets. Trusted by millions of women worldwide. Sign up for Bundoo for expert healthcare information.

abortion pills in uae has been a topic of controversy for years, especially in the UAE where it is considered illegal unless necessary to save the mother’s life. However, women who find themselves in difficult situations have been seeking abortions through alternative means, such as medication. The use of abortion pills has become a popular option, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. In this blog post, we will explore the availability of abortion pills in the UAE, as well as the risks and benefits associated with their use.

Abortion Pills for Sale in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

abortion pills in uae for sale in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are becoming more prevalent, with more clinics offering these services. The pills available include Cytotec and Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

These pills can be used up to 6 months into a pregnancy and are considered safe and effective when used correctly. There are a few reputable clinics that offer these services, including Dr. Velma’s clinic. It’s important to note that while access to safe and legal abortion services is expanding in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), there are still some restrictions in place.

For example, abortion is only legal if there is a risk to the mother’s life, if the baby has genetic or physical abnormalities, or if the pregnancy was the result of rape. However, there are also some exceptions to these restrictions, such as if the mother is under the age of 16 or if she has a mental or physical disability. Anyone considering abortion in Dubai or Abu Dhabi should consult with a reputable clinic and understand their options before making any decisions. 

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By following these tips and utilizing reputable resources, you can find a safe and legal abortion clinic in the UAE. Remember to always prioritize your health and wellbeing, and seek guidance from trusted healthcare providers and professionals.

  1. Introduction:
    Finding a reliable and safe abortion clinic in the UAE can be a daunting task. In this listicle, we will provide you with factual data that will help you in your search for an abortion clinic in the UAE.
  2. Abortion Laws in the UAE:
    It is important to note that abortion is only legal in the UAE in certain circumstances, including if the pregnancy poses a threat to the life of the mother or if the fetus has a severe medical condition. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before seeking an abortion in the UAE.
  3. Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA):
    SEHA is a public health service provider in the UAE and operates several clinics and hospitals, including the Corniche Hospital, which offers abortion services.
  4. Dubai Health Authority (DHA):
    The DHA operates several hospitals and clinics in Dubai and the surrounding areas. One of the most well-known abortion clinics in Dubai is the Dubai Gynecology and Fertility Centre.
  5. Al Zahra Hospital Dubai:
    Al Zahra Hospital is a private hospital in Dubai that offers various medical services, including abortion. They have a team of experienced healthcare professionals who can provide you with the necessary care and support.
  6. American Hospital Dubai:
    The American Hospital Dubai is a private hospital that offers a wide range of healthcare services, including abortion. They have a team of qualified gynecologists and obstetricians who are trained in providing safe and effective abortion services.
  7. Emirates Hospital:
    Emirates Hospital is a private hospital in Dubai that has a team of experienced gynecologists and obstetricians who provide a range of healthcare services, including abortion. They are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of their patients.
  8. Conclusion:
    While the UAE has strict abortion laws, there are still clinics and hospitals that offer abortion services in certain circumstances. It is crucial to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before considering an abortion, and to ensure that you choose a reliable and safe healthcare provider. The above-mentioned hospitals and clinics are some of the best options to consider when searching for an abortion clinic in the UAE.

abortion pill online

abortion pills in uae
abortion pills in uae

In conclusion, online access to the abortion pill can provide a safe and effective option for those who require it. However, it is essential to research and choose a qualified provider and receive the necessary medical support and counseling during the process.

1. abortion pills in uae Online: What You Need to Know
2. The Benefits of At-Home Abortion Care
3. What to Expect When Taking the Abortion Pill
4. How to Get the abortion pills in uae and How Much It Costs
5. Understanding Self-Managed Abortion and Its Risks

1. Abortion Pill Online: What You Need to Know

Abortion can be a sensitive and often difficult topic for many people. However, with advancements in technology and healthcare, it is now possible to get abortion pills online from the comfort of your home. The online availability of abortion pills, such as mifepristone and misoprostol, has made it more accessible for people who may not have access to traditional healthcare options. Here’s what you need to know about online abortion pills:

– Abortion pills are FDA approved medications that can be taken to end an early pregnancy (up to 11 weeks).
– Online abortion pills are offered by a few providers, such as carafem, which offer immediate evaluation online, with a package delivered in 1-4 days.
– Depending on the provider, you may have access to a virtual assistant to help guide you through the process.

2. The Benefits of At-Home Abortion Care

The ability to access abortion pills online has made it possible for people to receive medical support and guidance from a distance. At-home abortion care can provide several benefits, including:

– Convenience: You don’t have to leave your home to access healthcare professionals and receive medication to complete your abortion.
– Privacy: You can avoid the discomfort of having to go to a physical clinic or having others know about your pregnancy and decision to have an abortion.
– Cost-effective: Some providers offer financial aid programs to help patients cover the cost of the medication and healthcare services.
– Support: Providers offer 24/7 medical support and check-ins so you can feel more comfortable and have your concerns addressed.

3. What to Expect When Taking the Abortion Pill

The abortion pill process can vary depending on the provider, but generally, here’s what you can expect when taking the abortion pill:

– You will receive a medical evaluation from a healthcare provider to ensure you are eligible for an abortion (up to 11 weeks).
– You will take the first pill, mifepristone, which blocks the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the pregnancy to continue.
– You will take misoprostol within 24-48 hours, which causes cramping and bleeding to expel the pregnancy.

4. How to Get the Abortion Pill and How Much It Costs

You can get the abortion pill from a healthcare provider, including doctors, nurses, health clinics, or Planned Parenthood facilities. The cost can vary depending on the provider and location, but typically the cost ranges from $0-249. Some providers also offer financial aid programs to help cover costs if you qualify.

5. Understanding Self-Managed Abortion and Its Risks

Self-managed abortion is the act of taking abortion pills without medical supervision or guidance. While it can be safe and effective for some people, it also comes with risks and legal implications. Important things to consider before choosing to self-manage your abortion include:

– Understanding the legal implications and risks of purchasing and taking medication without medical supervision.
– Ensuring you follow the proper protocols and instructions for taking the medication to reduce risks of complications.
– Having access to emergency healthcare services if needed.

Overall, the online availability of abortion pills has made it more accessible for people who may not have access to traditional healthcare options. However, it is important to consider the potential risks and legal implications before making a decision to self-manage your abortion or choose at-home abortion care. Consult with a trusted healthcare provider to determine the best option for your situation. 

Related: Abortion Pills in Dubai | Buy Online In UAE 30% off

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Recently, there has been a surge in the availability of abortion pills online through websites such as Amazon. However, it is crucial to understand the potential risks associated with ordering and taking these pills without medical oversight. The abortion pill, also known as RU-486, is a two-step process that can cause serious side effects, including heavy bleeding, nausea, and infection.

Additionally, purchasing these pills online can lead to the ingestion of chemical additives that have not been approved by the FDA. It is also important to note that the abortion pill is only effective within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy and can lead to death if taken without medical supervision. While some may believe that medical abortions are less traumatic than surgical abortions, reports suggest that women may experience a range of negative emotions, including regret and shame. With the recent overturn of Roe v.

Wade, demand for emergency contraceptive pills has risen, but it is essential to be informed and seek proper medical care when considering all pregnancy options. Women can trust reputable healthcare providers to offer safe and confidential services.

abortion medicine price

Abortion medicine, commonly known as the abortion pill, is a medication used to terminate a pregnancy. The cost of the abortion pill may vary depending on various factors such as the state or health center you visit, whether or not you have health insurance, and the availability of financial aid. The average cost of a medication abortion at Planned Parenthood is around $580.

However, costs may range from $300 to $800 at other providers, depending on your state and insurance. It is important to find an honest and transparent provider who can answer your questions and provide you with information on pricing. Additionally, financial assistance may be available if you do not have health insurance, and your provider can help you apply for discounts through partners or connect you with local funding resources.

While the abortion pill is considered safe and effective, it may not be suitable for everyone and can only be used before 11 weeks of pregnancy. Overall, it is important to seek out accurate information and reliable abortion care to ensure your safety, well-being, and access to reproductive healthcare. 

See also: cytotec for sale in uae

The most important facts about the abortion pill

Abortion is one of the most debated topics of our time. While some claim that it is a fundamental right of women, others see it as a violation of the sanctity of life. However, with advancements in medical technology, the process of abortion has become safer and more accessible. One of the most popular methods of abortion is the abortion pill.

In this blog post, we will discuss the most important facts about the abortion pill, including its effectiveness, safety, and how it works. So, if you are considering abortion or are simply curious about the procedure, keep on reading!

See also : Cytotec UAE Pharmacy

1. Mifepristone and Misoprostol Available in UAE

abortion in uae
abortion in uae

Mifepristone and Misoprostol are now available in the UAE, including in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, as safe and effective options for medical abortion. Retail pharmacies have been granted permission to dispense these drugs, making them more accessible to women who wish to terminate their pregnancy.

Women in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 6 months, can use medication abortion as an alternative to surgical abortion. The procedure involves taking a combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills, which can be completed in the privacy of one’s home if the right guidelines are followed. It is important to note that medical abortion pills should not be used in cases of ectopic pregnancy, and women must be able to pay close attention to what is happening in their bodies during the treatment.

When used correctly, medical abortion pills have very few complications, and the World Health Organization lists them as essential medicines. Women in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other cities in the UAE can now access these medications through reputable medical manufacturing companies like Pfizer. It is the right of every woman to control her own life and make decisions about her own body, and with easier access to Mifepristone and Misoprostol, women in the UAE have more options when it comes to their reproductive health. 

See also : abortion UAE

2. Medical Abortion as an Alternative to Surgical Abortion

Medical abortion is a safe and effective alternative to surgical abortion. It involves the use of pills or tablets to terminate a pregnancy. Medical abortion is typically recommended for women who are in the early stages of pregnancy, as it is more effective during this time. The process does not require any surgery and can be done at home, under the guidance of a medical professional.

The two medications used for medical abortion are mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, which halts the growth of the fetus. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, expelling the fetus from the body. Medical abortion is not recommended for women who have an ectopic pregnancy, a pregnancy that is more than three months along, or certain medical conditions. In these cases, surgical abortion may be a better option.

Whether considering medical or surgical abortion, it is important for women to consult with a qualified medical professional. They can provide necessary guidance and support throughout the process. 

3. How to Buy Abortion Pills in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and UAE

Abortion pills are available in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other areas in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). To purchase these pills, interested individuals may contact Dr. Velma through WhatsApp at +971565801893. They offer safe and effective abortion pills including Mifepristone and Misoprostol or Cytotec for those who are stranded with an unwanted pregnancy.

These pills can also be purchased from Dr. Velma Abortion Clinic, which is now able to dispense abortion pills in Dubai under a regulatory change by the Food and Drug Administration. The clinic offers both medical and surgical abortion treatments, depending on the individual’s preference. It is important to note that medical abortion is only recommended for those who are in the early weeks of pregnancy, and the pills are not to be taken without proper guidance and care.

Dr. Velma offers counseling and support for all patients, ensuring that they receive accurate information and guidance regarding their pregnancy options. Millions of women around the world have used abortion pills to safely and effectively end their unwanted pregnancies, and it is every woman’s right to control her own life and make decisions about her own health. 

4. The Right of Women to Control Their Own Lives: Abortion Pill Availability in UAE

In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the right of women to control their own lives, including the right to make decisions about their reproductive health. One key aspect of this is access to safe and effective abortion care when needed. Medication abortion, also known as medical abortion or abortion with pills, is one such option for women seeking to terminate a pregnancy. This method involves taking two different drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, and is safe and highly effective up to the first 70 days or 10 weeks of pregnancy.

While medication abortion has been available in many states across the United States, it is now banned in some states, creating new barriers for women seeking to access this care. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), however, there are options available for women in need. Retail pharmacies like Dr Maria Abortion clinic in Dubai can now provide medication abortion thanks to a regulatory change made by the Food and Drug Administration. This will significantly expand access to abortion through medication in UAE, offering an alternative to surgical abortion for women in the early weeks of pregnancy.

It is important to note that women have a right to make their own decisions about their lives, including their sexual and reproductive health. Millions of women around the world will at some point face an unwanted pregnancy and have the right to access safe abortion care. It is crucial for access to such care to remain available and for women to have the support and resources they need to make the decision that is right for them. 

5. Safe and Effective Abortion Pills in Dubai: How They Work and What to Expect

Abortion pills are growing in popularity and availability in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Mifepristone, one of the medication’s drugs, blocks the hormone progesterone, which is needed for a pregnancy to continue.

It’s approved to end a pregnancy through 10 weeks’ gestation, with a second drug, Misoprostol, taken within the next 24 to 48 hours. This causes the uterus to contract, creating cramping and bleeding. In more than half of abortions in the United States, the two drugs are commonly used together and are now available at pharmacies for decades. A growing body of research indicates that self-managed abortion in a medication abortion is safe and effective. Self-managed abortions are usually done because of limited access to clinics that perform abortions or a preference for self-care.

The medication abortion procedure is an alternative to vacuum aspiration, which is usually performed under a combination of local anesthetic and oral pain medications or local anesthetic together with intravenous sedation or conscious sedation. The aspiration procedure takes just a couple of minutes, and then the person is observed for one to two hours until the sedation has worn off. In summary, abortion pills are safe and effective and are becoming more readily available in Dubai and Abu Dhabi for those seeking to self-manage their abortions. 

6. The Role of Retail Pharmacies in Expanding Access to Abortion Pills in Dubai

Retail pharmacies have traditionally not been able to offer abortion pills in Dubai, but a recent regulatory change made by the Food and Drug Administration now allows this to happen.

This action could significantly expand access to abortion through medication. For the first time, patients can obtain Mifepristone and Misoprostol from regulated pharmacies and have them delivered to their homes. This is an improvement that will benefit women with early-term pregnancies. Up until now, these drugs had to be dispensed only by clinics or doctors, or delivered by a few mail-order pharmacies.

This change in regulation offers a more accessible option for women who find themselves stranded with an unwanted pregnancy. Retail pharmacies like Dr VELMA Abortion clinic are now able to offer safe and effective abortion pills in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, Ajman, RAK City, Ras Al Khaimah, and Fujairah.

The World Health Organization lists Mifepristone and Misoprostol as essential medicines, and these can be safely used at home in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Retail pharmacies have a significant role to play in expanding access to healthcare and improving the lives of patients. 

7. Cytotec Abortion Pills Available in RAK City and Sharjah

cytotec abortion pills
cytotec abortion pills

cytotec pills are now available in RAK City and Sharjah, providing women in the United Arab Emirates with safe and effective options for terminating unwanted pregnancies. The pills, which contain mifepristone and misoprostol, can be purchased from reputable medical manufacturing companies like PFIZER. Medical abortion is an easy and effective procedure that can be performed in the privacy of one’s own home, and there are very few complications if one follows the right guidelines.

Millions of women around the world have used abortion pills to have a safe abortion, and it is the right of every woman to control her own life and make decisions about her own body. The World Health Organization lists mifepristone and misoprostol as essential medicines that can be safely used at home in the first few weeks of pregnancy.

Women who find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy in RAK City and Sharjah can reach out to doctors and clinics providing abortion care services for information on the procedure and to purchase the necessary pills. It’s important that women have safe and legal options for abortion, and the availability of Cytotec abortion pills helps to ensure that this is the case in the UAE. 

8. Abortion Pills: A Safe Alternative for Women in Early Pregnancy

Abortion pills, also known as medical abortion or medication abortion, can be a safe alternative for women seeking to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages. This protocol involves taking two different drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, which are approved by the FDA for up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. The medication abortion regimen has a proven track record of safety and effectiveness, with an over 95% success rate and a low risk of major complications.

In some states, however, dispensing these pills for the purpose of terminating a pregnancy is banned, limiting access to this option. In places like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other countries in the Middle East, women may face even greater barriers to accessing safe abortion care.

Fortunately, there are options for women seeking abortion pills in these regions. Providers like Dr. Velma offer safe and discreet access to mifepristone and misoprostol, allowing women to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the privacy of their own homes. Retail pharmacies may also be able to offer abortion pills under a regulatory change made by the Food and Drug Administration.

Ultimately, it is the right of every woman to control her own life, including the decision to terminate a pregnancy. With the availability of safe and effective medication abortion, women have an important option for making that decision on their own terms. 

9. Abortion Pills in UAE: Understanding the Risks and Benefits

How Do Abortion Pills Work?

abortion pills in uae, also known as medication abortion, have become a popular way for women to terminate early pregnancies. However, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where strict laws are in place regarding abortion, accessing these pills can be challenging. The FDA approved medication abortion protocol involves taking two different medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy as a safe and effective means of termination. However, obtaining these pills in the UAE can be difficult due to the lack of availability, restrictions on their usage, and legal risks.

In some states, dispensing abortion pills is banned, which has created an urgent need to expand access for people facing significant barriers to abortion care. While medication abortion is generally safe and highly effective, it is not risk-free, and patients need access to professional medical advice and care after taking the pills. Additionally, in the UAE, hospitals and clinics may refuse to provide abortions to unmarried women or those without a spouse’s consent. These barriers can result in people seeking dangerous and unsafe means of terminating pregnancies, highlighting the need for expanded access to accurate information and reproductive healthcare services. 


In conclusion, we hope this article provided valuable information on abortion pills in uae. While abortion is a sensitive and controversial topic, it’s important to have access to accurate and compassionate resources. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to seek professional medical advice. Thank you for reading. 

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